JEB’s Blog


So let’s get this straight–Trump is already complaining that Lester Holt might call him on his lies at the debate?  It couldn’t be that he’s not planning to tell the truth, could it?  Nah…  Putting out the Truth


Let Trump Be Trump…Please!

With 4 days to go before the debate, we all pretty much know that Hillary is wonking out over policy and trying to predict which version of The Donald will show up.  And how is he preparing?  Let’s take a look.  Good to Go



According to The Donald, African-American communities are in the worst shape they’re ever been in.  And not just ever, but “ever, ever, ever.”  Now, is that 3 times ever, or ever cubed?  And can we see the math here in either case? I’m just not convinced…  Back to the Past


Anger Management

We all know them.  It’s not just your crazy uncle any more.  We see them on TV.  We flee them on social media.  We just can’t escape!  Trump trolls are everywhere!  At least they have the courtesy to wear identifiable hats… Trollus Americanus Trumpus


More Red Meat…

As we know, The Donald never misses a chance to make political hay from terrorist attacks.  They are always Hillary’s and/or Obama’s fault.  Only he can keep us safe.  Things are only going to get worse.  Blah, blah, blah…  He’s used the latest attacks to double down on an old right wing favorite–racial profiling!  If only we could keep an eye on these dangerous Muslims!  Hold on–he might be on to something… Trumpial Profiling



There’s a lot of speculation flying around about why The Donald won’t release his tax returns.  We’ve finally got the real story.  The Dog Ate What?


Crunch Time

The Donald seems to be scaring a lot of people.  People are talking about things–lots of things he threatens–race relations, democracy, nuclear annihilation.  Sure, they’re all sort of important.  No one’s talking about the real threat, though.  He’s threatening football!  Hail Mary


Go Ahead…Make My Day

So the governor (very small ‘g’) of Kentucky is ready to spill blood.  And The Donald wants to disarm Hillary’s Secret Service detail.  Yup–making America Great Again–one energized gun nut at a time…  Second Amendment Solution


Friday Night Beer Review–Romero’s K9 Club and Tap House

Romero’s K9 Club and Tap House in Lafayette is a godsend if you want to go drinking with your dog.  It’s also a great place to go if you want a great selection of craft beers even if you don’t want to drink with dogs.  Check out my review.


It’s the End of the World As We Know It…

Breaking News: Trump announces he doesn’t believe the world is flat! Somehow this got lost in all the hubbub over is he still a birther, is he not still a birther?  Go figure…  Over the Edge